JOHN: What's for dinner?
MARSHA: Hamburger.
JOHN: Alright, I'm gonna go and wash up.
MARSHA: Wait a sec, honey. Can we talk?
JOHN: Sure thing, babe. What's up?
MARSHA: Well… I...
JOHN: Uh oh... One of those talks?
MARSHA: ... Worse.
JOHN: Shit.
MARSHA: Actually, let's just talk after dinner. 'kay hon?
JOHN: Okay...
His shower, her cooking, and the silent meal that followed, felt like the longest they had ever had in their 3 years of marriage. After the meal was finished, Marsha went off to clean the dishes while thinking deeply of the confrontation soon to come. Meanwhile, John sat in his study completely silent. Contemplating.
JOHN: So, uh... What did you want to talk about?